Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas !!

New Blog!!

Dear Readers & Friends ,
I was looking for some good and remarkable greetings card images from Google images, I am attaching my selected images :

Very Sober blessings Note :
Guess the puzzle "HO3" ??

Somebody trying to clarify with heart and gratitude ...

Now, the last one...What everyone wants to say Everybody on this holy occasion , Simply

God Bless you all with Lots of Love, Peace and Happiness.. Merry Christmas to All of you !!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Quotes for Better L I F E.

New Blog!!

1.Your life is in your hands, to make of it what you choose. 
   John Kehoe.

2.Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue over small things, but not
  you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave their future in
  someone else’s hands, but not you. 
  Jim Rohn.

3.I challenge you to make your life a masterpiece. I challenge you to join the ranks of
  those people who live what they teach, who walk their talk. 
  Anthony Robbins.

4.We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence , then, is not an act, but a habit.  

5.People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do
  things. When they believe in themselves they have the first secret of success. 
  Norman Vincent Peale.

6.There is just one life for each of us: our own. 

7.You and I are essentially infinite choice-makers. In every moment of our existence,
  we are in the field of all possibilities where we have access to an infinity of choices. 
  Deepak Chopra.

I always believed in the magic of words, A good  QUOTE can change our life, it can boost our morale and charge up to lead a successful life.

I hope any one of the mentioned quote will sure inspire you to lead a better life.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Beware of Population explosion !!!

Take a serious look and think about the situations ..

Observe the mentioned points of this diagram also !!

It is said that "One Illustration says thousand words", I am running short  of words and time to explain the most serious issue of man-kind.But I  just did not wanted to miss the chance to "warn" and "draw attention" towards the concerns  related with the issue.It is not just  another burning  problem, it is the  root cause of many dangerous problems may arise in  future. So take proper precautionary measures well in advance before population explosion on the earth.               

B  e  w  a  r  e  !!!

Please Do your Bit to control population, right there in your home, family, city and state, your suggestions and initiatives in this context is Welcome.
Picture courtesy ; Google images

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Happy Diwali !!

New Blog!!

Wishing you all the Best for Light Festival. May your Life ahead be enriched with health, wealth, wisdom, peace and prosperity.

Diwali is celebrated to spread Brightness and Happiness all around. It is symbol and celebration of win of Good over Evil. There are still many form of evil around us , the darkness of evil is trying and wooing everyone, but  have to overcome it. We all should try our best to enlighten the heart of every unhappy and poor person on earth.  

We live for our self but we do have responsibility for society too.  I would like to share some suggestions regarding Diwali, Mind it , I hope you would love to  -

  • Gift a sweet-box to your sub-ordinates.
  • Gift a sweet-box and blessings to your driver, security –guard, house maid, newspaper vendor.
  • Pay a surprise visit with crackers, flowers  and sweets  to local Old Age Home.
  • Gift “Gullaks” to your friends and relatives as symbol of good luck gesture and wishes for Money saving.
  • Use LED lights for decoration, it consumes less power than regular bulb.
  • Avoid use of crackers, minimize if not avoidable.
  • Spend time with kids & family, teach your kids about Diwali celebration and importance of Money saving. 
If you love Hindi poetry, please check my new Hindi Post dedicated for "Diwali". Click the given link in Hindi.

Picture Courtesy : Google images

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Importance of Pocket Money For Kids & Parents (Part:1)

New Blog!!

Yeah.. I am talking about Money first time on My Blog . After 12th std of my studies, once I started going colleges, I was always interested about understanding relation of our Life with Money and after finishing College study I was inclined to Financial planning. I started looking around and exploring the diversity of life and observed that People are running for money. If you ask people, why do they live ? Most of them would answer without hesitation that they live for Money, they live for money to fulfill the basic requirements of their family, after all money is needed by every person to live gracefully in society, although limits (how much money?) always differ.. person to person with age, place and necessity.

So dear readers, this blog is about POCKET MONEY.. the sweetest form of Money. This is sweetest because, we just start getting it from our lovely parents.. right there in our home. For rest all other forms of money, we have to work hard, we have to go out, we have to work under Boss , we have to make lots of compromises and blah..blah and blah.

Pocket Money is  an amount of money given to children every month to  fulfill their needs. It is small amount of money given by parents to meet the petty cash expenses of their kid.
It may be used by them for spending on :
-     --     Candies
-     --     School lunch / breakfast
-     --     Toys
-     --     Books
-     --     Gift

Children can spend their pocket money to  themselves, their friends or family members. Generally , pocket money is given on monthly basis, sometimes it is given on periodical  basis during special occasion and festivals also. Some families believe in paying pocket money to kids on adhoc basis too, as and when required and demanded by kids.

Pocket money may be needed to those kids specially , who used to go school by Bus. The amount may be useful while camping, picnic also. It may be used as an emergency / contingency fund during any accident or unseen event.

I personally feel that if we maintain a discipline about Pocket money, we can teach several important aspects of money and life using and setting some principles about it.  I would like to mention that Pocket Money  is the foremost and important stepping stone to Money-driven world. If we wish to secure the future of our Child financially, we can use this simple tool to teach the basics and importance of Money. Parents may differ with my ideas and perspectives to allow pocket money to kids or not, but I advocate for it. The child can feel responsible and important after this initiative.

When to Start :
Like other skills, Child learns attitude and get used to Money from home. The best time to start may differ for rural and urban areas, I think 3+ year Age is suitable to start. Children learn to identify coins and rupees by the age of 8+ year year and can buy chocolates , ice cream etc . They should be able to use basic mathematical skills as like Addition, subtraction also. Although, it is needed to monitor their money management till they grown up and start earning their pocket money / salary, specially till 12th std.  Just gift them a “Gullak” or a  money box, you may mark this date in your Diary. This little event may change his life positively. Now, the child would start making choices, saving and waiting for the things they want. You can realize the development of sense of responsibility and independence about money after issuing Pocket Money first time.

How much  Pocket Money :
We can not devise or use a formulae. It depends upon family income, family budget, lifestyle, education standard and age of the child also. It depends upon residential area / locality. We should also  think about the pocket money given to their friends also. Take account of bus charges / auto charges to school, breakfast / lunch expenses estimation before fixing the pocket money. The pocket money should be reasonable and comparable. If it is less, it could lead to inferiority complex. The money may be increased with progressing age and need of the child.  You may start by as low as Rs. 100 per month, set the limits as 40 % for saving, 20 % for emergency needs, 20 % for chocolates and balance 20% for stationary needs. Monitor and review their requirement and expenses for first 3 months and then you can judge the reasonable amount yourself and the child would be satisfied also.

You can top up their pocket money by incentives , as and when required ( as per special occasion, festival , summer vacations or  special achievement). You can ask them to help in household activities as like – Gardening, house keeping, maintaining cleanliness, helping family and others.

You can increase their Pocket Money once in a year , increment date may be new session of study or birthday of your child.

We can teach several important aspects of Money to our children using the Pocket Money technique. Some points may be :

  •  The value of money,
  •  Useful Spending : needs & habits,
  •  Importance of earning money,
  •  Why and How to save money,
  •  Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Inflation
  •  Borrowing and repaying
  •  Basic Accounting and maintaining a Ledger
  •  Basics of financial and money management.
We can teach them about Budgeting and Financial Planning basics too. This will help them to understand and practice the benefits of Planned expenditure and savings.

It is not necessary by child to spend all the Pocket Money for the given period. Motivate and train them about Saving. The child should write down the expenses date wise, head wise. They  should put a side  some % / fixed part of the pocket money for Saving. Ask them to prepare a Contingency Fund. Help them setting up their short term and Long term financial requirements, planning and meeting the goals. They may save their pocket money to buy a gift for their parents  or siblings too, if it is costlier one . If the saved money grows up to  a substantial amount, the same can be transferred to Bank A/c. It is also advised to open a Joint / Kids Advantage Bank A/c in the name of child. If the child grows up and particularly after the age of 10+, you should make him aware about banking practices also, i.e.
-          How to deposit money
-          How to withdraw money
-          What is Interest, how it is calculated and compounded
As we know that every good thing has bad aspects too if mishandled. So be cautious about the money spending habits of your child. Check his ledger / notebook (given to him for maintain and writing about expenses). Check if there is any pattern of expenses. Cross check about their spending habits if seems doubtful.

You must explain your kids about how to spend and when to spend . Advise them that they are independent to spend the money but as per set directions, principles and limits.

Although pocket money is often treated as casual fund in regular house hold budget, but it has importance and the concept can be used effectively by parents to develop understanding of money matters to child right from their early age and it would be very beneficial with age. Remember It is one of the first way to let them learn the basics of Managing Money ..the very important skill needed for life ahead. Do one thing for sure, encourage them for SAVING. They may start it by collecting coins and currency notes marked with images.

I hope for your valuable comments. Do wait and visit again if this topic sounds interesting to you, I have lot more to share about Tips on Financial planning..

Copyright@Santosh Kumar, 2011
Picture courtesy : Google Images

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Joy Of Giving Week (Oct 2nd to 8th Oct, 2011)

New Blog!!

First of all, I would like to inform you that I was busy with office work during 20 th Sep to 30th Sep,2011. I had some necessary commitments to fulfill by 30th Sep,11 also regarding "Hindi Poetry" contribution to a magazine. You can visit my Hindi poetry Blog Beloved life (हिंदी कवितायेँ).

This is the reason behind the gap of more than 7 days since my last post. I could not properly responded to the comments also. Thanking you all for not loosing faith in me and being patient for the period. 

JGW : Joy of Giving week. People also refer it as "Festival of Giving" and  "Festival of Philanthropy". In simple words, you should involve yourself and form a group of like minded peoples to join "Acts of giving". Many NGOs, corporate sectors, schools, colleges and social work organisations perform some activity during this period help the under - priviledged.

Personally, Have you ever felt the smile and sparkle in the eyes of any person, who has just received any type of help by you.. Experience.. you would love it for sure.

First of all.. Think..

1. What can you give?
2. To whom would you like to give?
3. Can you form a group or associate more persons to involve with this mission ?

Now , Step-2, What do you want to give :

You can :

1. Donate Money, 
2. Distribute necessary resources to the needed persons 
3. Teach some skills in free
4. You can collect all sort of things at your home or in society , which is not in practical use , but can be useful for others. Identify those needy persons and distribute it. You may collect cloths, toys, books etc.
5. You can also help by spreading the awareness of  this mission.

This celebration started in India during 27th Sep,09 to 3rd Oct, 2009.  Internationally, it was started during 2005 by CRY, Helpage and Give India organisation was also associated with it.

Many leading personalities related with Sports, Business and corporate world are asociated in some way with this mission. Peoples like Nandita Das, Shahrukh khan, Sachin Tendulkar, Gopichand, Narayan Murthy, K.M. Birala , KV Kamath are involved with this mission also. 

So get inspired and step towards "Giving", Make a pledge. I would like to request all of you. Do your bit. Move on with the concept... Give something and you will get a special feeling of Joy in return, This joyful feeling is priceless.. Give it a try and share your experience with me.

इस सप्ताह के दौरान, हर रोज शाम में खुद से सवाल करना ना भूलें :
"आज आपने कितनी खुशियाँ बांटी हैं??" 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tips for Enjoyment and Relaxation (Part:2)

New Blog!!
(Holidays & Sundays)

Continued from Last Blog. dated : 14.09.11

Generally people spend a large amount of money to purchase things or services to make them Happy, they have to move outside of Home to get enjoyment. They go to parties, join some clubs, gradually they start spending quality time outside their home.

If they do not understand reasons well in time, they make distances with their family in the pursuit of Happiness. Sometimes they have to seek advise of Consultant to explore Enjoyment in daily life.

During weekdays, it is hard to share ample time with family members, but we can utilize Sundays and holidays to bridge the gap and meet family grievances by spending quality time with them. It would not only make them happy, you would also share this big deal too.

I am submitting some tips, these are practical ones , most importantly … very economical ones, you have to be with family and mind the given suggestions.. 

Morning :
  • Surprise your spouse with bed tea, Remember that aroma and taste of the tea should be better.
  • Go for a long walk. Feel the beauty and greenery of nature.
  • Spend sometime in your garden, involve kids, plant some new flowers, teach them Gardening techniques.
  • Organize your Home, remove clutter from your desk, maintain separate files for important documents.
  • Wash your vehicle, ask kids to clean their cycle, roller skates etc too.
  • Enjoy bathing with kids, teach them to arrange their cloths and accessories,
  • Enjoy a family Breakfast with lot of chit-chat conversation.
  • Take account of kids studies, check their notebooks and teacher's comments. 
  • Teach something new to your kids to enhance their creativity.
  • Call your friends and relatives whom you miss a lot. Delete unnecessary sms and phone no from your mobiles.
  • Do something to speed up your PC/ laptop , as like disk cleanup and defragmentation.
  • Watch some knowledgeable content on TV channel.
  • Join your spouse in kitchen with kids , Cook some new receipe and enjoy Family lunch.
  • If you love and miss naps after lunch on weekdays, you can enjoy 2-3 hours sleep also, if not interested with Sleeping, Read a good Book..

  • Play a game of cricket or hockey with family members and kids. Involve your neighbors and their kids too. You will get a chance to know them also, who used to play regularly with your kids.Train them the basics of the game too if you can.
  • Motivate your spouse to learn driving scooter  / 4 wheeler etc, if she is not skilled.
  • Visit local worship place to participate in prayer, teach kids about spiritual ritual and beliefs being followed in society.
  • Go for shopping , your spouse would love too, it may be that during week days, she has to go for shopping alone. Two person can make a good deal and bargain effectively.
  • Visit local grocery store with your kids and let them learn about identifying quality vegetables, fishes, meat etc.
  • Pay visit to your local  old aged relative, spend some time with them.
  • Visit to your new neighbor and enjoy tea during introduction. You can develop your relationship as new family friend. A good neighbor is as good as a good relative or friend.
  • Arrange a common prayer session of your family members.
  • Enjoy movie at local multiplex or you may opt for watching a new DVD at your home also.

Most important thing, never miss a chance to chat with your wife as and when you feel free. Don't think about place or time to start the conversation, just be with her and share her ideas and feelings regarding several issues. She can inform you about your kids good and bad habits, their performance at school etc.

She will be happier, you may explore hidden aspects of her personality and she would enjoy your company all the way.I am insisting on this point because I have experienced that We should respect the individuality of our spouse. Our likes and dislikes may be different, but we can share the feelings. She bears greater responsibly to perform, we must explore the ways to please her. She can make your day.. she can be inspiration behind your success. After all She is the "Better Half"   of our life.

 I have learnt that people who seek "Happiness" outside their home and love to spend quality time with outsiders (persons , not in the group of family or friends), they have to suffer and remain restless in future too 

All the mentioned tips would enrich your life with enjoyment directly or indirectly, sooner or later. You must give these tips a try.. no side effect at all. I repeat and  insist  explore "Happiness" inside your Home, along with family members. The Gods of happiness are all around you... your spouse and kids. If you belong to a joint family, then  its a BONUS for your Happy life. 

Wish you all good luck and happy life.

Picture Courtesy : Google images

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Tips for Enjoyment and Relaxation (Part:1)

New Blog!!

( Weekdays)
Modern day's life is very stressful. Everybody is in hurry, it is very confusing that people love to perform multitasking or they are forced to perform multitasking (to complete several tasks in limited time). We all are sick of being stressful, every second person is living with fatigue. Psychological disorders are common in Metro cities, if continuously ignored, these disorder leading to severe diseases as like BP, Heart Stroke,hyper Tension  Alzhiemer's disease etc.

People used to spend a large amount of money, they have to move outside of Home to get enjoyment. Sometimes they have to seek advise of Consultant to explore Enjoyment in daily life.

I am submitting some tips, these are practical ones , most importantly … very economical ones. Try some of the tips, you would learn to Enjoy in your daily routine also :

  • Start waking up early in the morning , if possible start your day in “bramha muhurta”, just 30-60 minutes before Sunrise.
  • Go for a nature walk. If your spouse or kids joins you, that is a bonus for the walk.
  • Feel the freshness of air and fragrance of flower.
  • If you spot morning dews on grass, walk with naked foot, it heals your eyes.
  • Back to your home, sip a cup of tea with wife.
  • If you have spare time and you are not in hurry for office, you may assist your wife in the chorus of preparing children for schools.
  • Switch off your mobile phones during Lunch.
  • Share your Lunch with colleagues , start a light hearted conversation.
  • If you can manage 10-15 minutes of spare time, enjoy nap or just close your eyes for 10-15 minutes. Don’t think about any serious subject during the course.
  • Walk around your workplace, don’t say or ask anybody, just watch them performing their tasks. Just be there as a witness. Do not think, do not compare.. do not analyze or judge.
  • Pack your bag. Keep your personal docs properly.
  • If you are using your personal vehicle, you may switch on FM or selected playlist of songs.
  • Buy a bunch of flower to surprise your wife. It would also decorate and spread fragrance to your drawing room.
  • You may buy some chocolates for your kids.
  • If you can reach at your home before 2 hours of Dinner time, you may enjoy  tea or coffee with wife. You may chat with your kids about their day at school or  gossip with your wife.
  • If she has gone through a busy / stressful day due to heavy work load of house hold activities, you may help her while cooking also.
  • You can read book of your choice.
  • You may join your kids while watching a cartoon show for ½ hour.
  • Ask your kids to  - draw favorite cartoon character or face of their friend.
    • Sing a song
    • Dance with your kids

Have dinner with your family. Remember, Eat together to stay happy together.

You can help your kids to improve their table manners and etiquettes too.
Read a story to your kids to help them for sleeping. Watch their innocence if they get asleep in the middle of the story.

Go to bed early and have a sound sleep, it is necessary to have 6-8 hours sound sleep for a working professional. Late night TV watching should be avoided, If you love to write Diary, you may give some time to this hobby too before switching off lights.

I would welcome your comments and suggestions on the subject.

Photo Courtesy : Google Images

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Special Sunday (04.09.11)

New Blog!!

It was a charming Sunday, 4th Sept, 2011. I was very excited about  this plan to be executed on this Sunday. Actually, I have planned a “7 Km morning walk”. The decided path was Masodha (Factory colony) to Naka bypass, Faizabad city. My office subordinates were also agreed to participate. You will wonder to know that my elder son “ Param” also participated very happily although I had to share the idea with him in the last minutes only.

Actually, I wanted to do something different on Sundays, the colonial life at our Factory is not very entertaining. Generally people like to spend they their whole day inside their home. If they meet their neighbor, they usually talk about Factory.. factory.. and just factory.

Back to the main topic, So we started our walk by 8am, I tried to convince  Manu (nick name of Param), but he succeed to convince me that he is tough one to complete the morning walk. Manu is my elder son , He is just 9 years old, studying in Std Vth.  Although I had a secret plan that if any where mid way during the morning walk he feels tired, I will send him back to home by Auto rickshaw along with anyone of colleague.

My followers were Sachin, KP Singh, Parmeshwar and Ranvijay. Everybody aged between 26 to 36 except Manu. We were talking about greeneries, streets of the villages turning to the left or right of the main road. It was a good weather, temperature about 25-27 degrees, sky was clouded and there was slow breeze of wind blowing from east to west.

I just whispered the lines of Robert frost :

The woods are lovely dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
I have miles to go before I sleep,
I have miles to go before I sleep.

We talked about Agriculture practices by villagers, paddy fields , water irrigation system and child hood days at villages. There were chirping sounds of birds all around us. But the most important fact was that Manu was leading all of us. He was moving quickly, there was a time when he was about ½ Km ahead of us and I had to send one of my colleague to run behind him. Manu was very happy. I still wonder about his zeal for the walk.

We observed starting traffic on road, during the walk, there were some moments when some Autorickshaw just stopped beside us expecting to get 5 customers at one point. Some times, we saw people were staring to us  as we are going for a march past etc.

We reached to our destination after 1 hour 20 minutes, it was 10-20 minutes more than my estimated time, if we could have walked with speed of Manu, we would have reached after just 50 minutes. We looked for any good tea stall , but there were tea stalls but no one has prepared “Jalebi”. We decided to return by Auto and enjoy “ garma-garam-jalebi” near by Masodha at “Chauhan’s restaurant”. Jalebi seemed to be tastier than any other days. We had completed the walk successfully.

I mean to say that we should challenge our limits. Step by step, one by one. We can be better. We can be strong. I just wanted to test my fitness and stamina. Now I can say that I can walk 10km in a stretch and it would not take more than 2 hours. So this is the short story of one of my Special Sunday.

Sundays are very special days of the week. Sometimes, I wish to make it special by doing something new, something challenging. I just try to do something to please my inner self. I used to re-organize and re-charge myself to face new upcoming challenges in next week.

We never know our capacities unless we test it or we had to face as challenge. Generally we under estimate our strengths, we used to live in fear of failure.

We can win, we can overcome our fears. Have faith and self-confidence, There is a “Winner” inside us seeking for a Chance to prove.  Don’t let the lucky chance get away from your hand, seek for opportunities. Very few people know about their abilities, we must explore our abilities.

Post Script : picture courtesy : Google images

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Id Mubarak!!

New Blog!!
Wish you all readers "Id Mubarak". May God always be with you doing Good.

दूरियाँ दिल की मिटाने से ईद होती है.

You all know that India is country having several colors and religions. We respect and participate with festivals of any religion happily. 

Come on, let's walk together to the path of progress and success.!

God bless you.

Santosh, 31.08.11
Picture courtesy : Google, Hindi Quote : Dainik Jagaran Hindy Daily

Post script : O that ! If I could greet you all in URDU script also..Okay next time.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

First Deserve Then Desire.

New Blog!!

Since my childhood days, My father used to say me. First deserve, then desire. It’s been very inspiring and motivating.

You can guess that a child has several desires and wishes, they can demand for anything they like, they just don’t bother about the time, place or cost of the selected object. Sometimes, it’s very hard for me also to convince my kids. Children desires used to be unlimited, not just children, we (adult persons) have also many such desires and wishes as like :

  • I want to be Millionaire.
  • I want a Big House.
  • I want to travel the world.
  • I want a personal Aeroplane.
  • I want my own business.
  • I wish to have fitness as like Salman khan.
  • My ambition is  to be Doctor.
  • I  want a promotion and hefty increment in my job.

……..and so on.

Just wishing or having desire of something is not enough. We must think, are we worth for…?

Now a days , the world is very much materialistic, Life is very competitive. If we do not posses a big house, a 4-wheeler, a good bank balance (not in swiss bank..ha..ha.), a five figure salary. We are not recognized as successful in society.

Our kids & family members , used to demand one thing or another. Their demands are guided by TV, Magazines and neighbors also. Sometimes, they demand because there’s friend have the same thing, their wish list increases with entries to maintain their lifestyle and reputation. Their wish list seems to be the icon of their ego and attitude. After all मानव की इच्छाएँ अनंत होती हैं, मनुष्य इच्छाओं और परिस्थिती का दास होता है.

I try to inspire them with the same quote by my father “First Deserve Then Desire”.

My father used to convince me repeatedly, first..prepare yourself, labor hard and be eligible for the award and win it. If you try to hard and run towards your destination with honest effort, destiny will add wings to your destination to fly  towards you. Do not fed up with the circumstances you face, you would learn to make a balance with your destiny and circumstances. 

I have followed my father saying. It had made me rough and tough to win under difficult situations. All my successes so far are devoted to My Father. If you adopt the quote, you will learn with time and then you would also experience that now your wish list have some meaningful wishes, un-appropriate dreams/wishes will be deducted from the list. You will be happier and successful than your earlier period. 

I would like to suggest everybody who is in pursuit of a Goal, we should move ahead with a plan and strategy , you may pick some of the mentioned points:

  • Categorize your wishes
  • Define priorities
  • Research on the subject.
  • Study some good books on the subject.
  • Learn lessons from the pioneers of the related field.
  • Gather your tools.
  • Develop ..Never Say Die Spirit.
  • Devise and stick to a PLAN (there is a saying.. If you fail to Plan, you Plan to fail).
  • Believe in yourself.
  • Step ahead with confidence and do not stop till Goal is achieved.
These are proven techniques, not just words.

May God strengthen your wings to fly high till you  kiss the sky of your Ambition.!! Good luck. 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Daily Prayer of a 9 year Kid

New Blog!!
My elder son 'Manu' pasted a written paper in Puja Section of our Home, I observed the contents , 

Prayer To God

Dear God,

I love you above all things, I'll do everything to please you. Please give your blessings to me and my family whole life.

For Mummy
Help mummy to get large amount of energy for doing work and help when she feels tired.

For younger brother(Kabir)
Make my brother 'Kabir', the most popular scientist in the entire world. Mummy also wish him to be an IAS officer, so make it possible too. First of all Kabir have to build a Robot for me  (which can play with me) and help mummy doing her house hold works.

For Daddy
Help Daddy to earn a plenty of money by doing a little amount of works. He has to work hard for office. He devotes maximum time to his office responsibilities and I have to suffer due to the same. Sometimes, he remains busy at office on holidays and Sundays too.

........So this is the daily prayer of  my 9 yr old kid.  I just wondered after reviewing his requests to God. He has not demanded anything for self, he just requested for his parents and younger brother. I became very emotional to know how much he cares for us.

Now, I have started following his blog ; he has started expressing his views about different aspects of life. 

Sometimes, I feel regretful when I can't share time with my kids. But, I love them very much. they are very special to me. 

God bless you my child.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Main Anna Hoon!!

“Main Anna Hoon….” my elder son announced in Home. I watched him closely.. .his younger brother (3yrs and six month kid) also imitated “Main Anna Hoon”, they both were watching a news clip. I just did not took it seriously. Later in the evening, I observed kids (aged between 4-12) wearing any kind of caps (be it birthday cap, paper cap or hat, even they tried to make paper caps, appearing same like as Gandhi topi) playing and enjoying the game of “Main Anna Hoon”. They were enjoying the game as like hide & seek, and Chor – Police.

So, Who is Anna ?? “Anna”, It’s not just another buzzword in media. It is an honest step to fight against Corruption. It is fight of common man against corrupt system. It is the name of modern day “Satyagraha”. If Anna Hazare succeeds / or not succeeds, people will remember him as new Age Gandhi and his efforts to fight corruption and improve social system will be memorable for the centuries to come.

Back to the title, What does it mean being “Anna” ??

It means that I am with Anna Hazare, It means that I dare to dream a Corruption-Free India, and I support Anna Hazare for his heroic efforts to free India from corruption. And I will do my bit to fight against corruption.

So, I raise questions to you all.
1. Do you feel pride to say “I am Anna”? Will you stand by Anna Hazare, if he needs one more person to come up with him to strengthen his movement?
2. Will you spread awareness to fight against Corruption with Anna Hazare method or any other way?
If you wish to give a better future to your child? If you’re a true Indian who wishes to strengthen our country, You have to be with “Anna” and you must feel proud to announce loudly “Main Anna Hoon”.

So are you “ANNA” ?? , tell me and inspire people to fight against “Corruption”.

It's a  good news readers, after a 12 days fast and continuous struggle led by great Anna Hazare and assisted by Mr Arwind Kejariwal, Kiran bedi and millions of patriot indian supporters , our Govt has agreed on the conditions set by "Team Anna" to move ahead to pass "Jan LokPal bill" to fight corruption properly. I would like to congratulate and thank Indian citizen. I will repeat "Anna's words", This is just a half win in the struggle, we have to fight continuously for optimum social change required to facilitate "common man" and narrow the gap between Rich and Poors.

This win has also proved the "Gandhigiri ( The very special way to protest.. "Satyagraha") is still practical in this Modern Age of Internet and can be used to win. You would have remebered , "Gandhigiri" term was popularly used in the film "Munna Bhai MBBS".

We should also struggle to get the "Right to Recall" (briefed by Mr Arwind Kejariwal), i.e. if we have a right to vote to elect the leader and send him to Parliament, if his work during the period is not satisfactory, we (the common man) should also have "Right to Recall" him back.

So, we have another struggle to win.. Keep moving on.

Do Your Bit for Society and support the cause.

Vande Mataram.      

Monday, August 8, 2011

An Open letter to a Friend

Dear Friend,

How r you? I miss you so much. I am sorry I could not send you cards to greet on the occasion of friendship day.

There are several occassions of daily routine, when I remember you. Some of the moments are :

1. When I sip a cup of coffee alone,
2.When I hear a song of a new artist and wish to get your comment.
3. When I am walking on road alone.
4. When I wish to get rid of a confusion to do or not to do (I remember sometimes u used to toss a coin and let the matter decided by God).
5. When I experiment with a recipe at home on holidays, I know , you also loved innovative cooking.
6. When I can not decide to take care of pets (whether it is fish or love birds).
7. When I get hurt by any one of my close family member, I need your shoulder .
8. When I hesitate to share my feelings and strategy with my wife also .
9. When I sit under the clear sky and star gazing at night, I need to discuss about ET, Aliens and possibility of Life except our mother earth, some times I share my curiosity with my kid.
10. When I think something new about financial planning and early retirement.
11. Whenever I achieve something in my life due to my hard work +inspiration and suggestions by you.

There are many other regular and special moments also, when I observe a son-father, brother-brother, kids-mother cordial relationship and I remember you.

Sometimes you are the only Answer when we can't discuss something with our elders and can not ask from brothers and sisters.

I wish and will pray to God for my Kids to get a real Friend as like you.

May god bless you with a successful and happy life. Keep moving on with good health, you have a vital role to play, you have to inspire people to be a good human being and a Good friend. Every body needs a friend, he may be of any age, any caste or from any background.

Bye for now, I am getting emotional remembering you. I have to help my kid to write an essay about "friendship Day" also.

Planning to meet u very soon,

yours always

(I would feel proud if you also enlist my name in your Best friend's list also).

Friendship is the very special relationship. People say that marriages made in Heaven, I have experienced that a good friend is a boon of GOD.

Friday, August 5, 2011

What we do?

I would like to share a quote :
"What we think or what we know or what we believe is in the end , of little consequence, The only consequence is what we do?"
So I would like to draw your attention towards :
What we do? What we are forced to do? What we love to do?

I think you all would be agree that these are very important questions. 

Think Again.. 
- Are you happy with the job you are doing?
- Are you capable enough what you are doing?
- Are you satisfied with what you are doing for living?
- Do you get sufficient time to get involved with what you love to do?
- Have Your ambitions changed a lot with growing age?
Many peoples are forced/compromised to do what they did not like to do, but their life is greatly involved with the job to earn living and secure a good position in society.

The mentioned question rules our life, it is redefining our life and it's priorities every day. 

Many persons would be agree that we are doing the job ( but don't like to do) because we have to earn for living and we can buy happiness for our family with the current job. Again a question arises "Are we happy buying happiness.?"

The topic requires so much time for discussion. I would like to conclude :

1. Learn to strike a balance between what you do and what you love to do. 
    You will be more happier than before. 
2. Spare some time for yourself(100% for yourself) and do something for mental peace,
    it may not increase your earning, but whatever your get that would be more precious
    than money.

Friday, July 29, 2011

One Picture raises thousand Questions?

This is India!!. Does this happens only in India?Is there any Rail Ministry in India? Who is the Rail Minister of India?

I have heard about India’s vision of running Bullet train by 2020? Is it possible?

Are we inviting accidents? Who is responsible for Accidents? What is being done by Government? What should be our contributions as Common Man to make things practically better?

If this picture wins any award, we should feel the PRIDE or we should be Shameful??

So this is the sample of Railway system in India, suggestion for improvement :
1. Increase literacy.
2. Develop Railway Infrastructure.

Do your bit for improvement and pride of India.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How to fight Terrorism ?

Recent MUMBAI bomb blasts has again caused the trauma of terror and fear in the society. Govt intelligence fails to anticipate any clue, Even CCTV camera fails to  suggest a clear picture of the terrorist. Politicians turned busy to blame one or another, they also forget the discipline of Pubic Speech about how to say and what not to say.

Before mentioning some suggestions , I would like to point out some very common reasons  :

  1. Under development of selected area (places, where training camps organized or bases of NAXAL dominated areas)
  2. Poverty and poor rate of literacy.
  3. Unemployment
  4. Loss of faith in society
  5. Non co-ordination between State and Central Govt

Suggestions :

  1. Generally , we believe that Govt and Police has the responsibilities to think about it, No it is not enough. Common man have to step in. We should keep our eyes and ears open to sense any conspiracy in our neighborhood.
  2. University should introduce courses to spread awareness against fighting terrorism; same way as like Anti-Aids movement, Disaster management.
  3. Govt has a bigger role to play by setting up village level/ block level committee. They have to spread the feeling of confidence and faith. They have to run movements for motivating integrity and unity among peoples.
  4. Security system is not up todate  at public places, whether it Railway station, bus stand or Subzi Mandi. Still, it is very easy to pass through Railway station or Bus stand  carrying a weapon / bomb.
  5. I have learnt from media that 90% of terrorist are found to be Youth. It a young man is secured with a good employment, it would not be easy to turn him to terrorism. They are motivated for enjoy life lavishly for a short period  and get utilized / sacrificed their life. Actually they are being sponsored to work for terrorism.
  6. Govt judiciary system should be quick, they take very long time to finalize a punishment. Azmal Kasab is still Alive and inspiring to repeat such incidents, No body can guess when he would be crucified  for his evil deeds.
  7. State Govt and Central Govt will have to work together, they should develop a network of Intelligence Agency through out the country to guess and analyze any clue well in time.
  8. Media should not publicize and highlight the deeds of terrorist as Hero (Remember, some times Villains score over Hero of the film due to presentation and focus).
  9. We, common man is busy with routine problems to survive, we are ignoring our social responsibility. We are avoiding to stand by a needy or worried man, we are forgetting our basic values of joint family, joint village, joint state and united India. It is needed to break the virtual partition between us

Remember :
  • A feast can not be enjoyed alone.
  • A joke can not be cracked alone.
  • A race can not be won alone.
  • A journey can not be successful, if traveled  alone.
  • A life can not be lived alone, we need family, friends, neighbors.

Let’s think together to fight terrorism. It’s not an easy task, but can be achieved if we remain integrated and united.

I would welcome all suggestions and hope you all would do your bit towards fighting terrorism and spread the message to every patriot Indian.


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